Directory submission is defined as submitting your website URL and its details on the web to directories under a specific category. This is a way that helps you to improve your link building. Directory submitting is an off-page factor that can help you optimize your website. Each directory has a set of guidelines that you must follow in order to submit your site.
Some of the basic guidelines that most directories follow for approving sites in their database are: title, description, keywords, URL, category, email, and website content. The best way to see if a directory is worth submitting is to check the quality of other ads on the site. That way, you can also improve your link building. These are the off-page factors that you can use to optimize your website. These submissions also attract traffic to your website and get high quality no follow backlinks. They also help in increasing your page rank just by building authority backlinks.
Proper directory submission procedures should be a part of any SEO marketing and offer significant benefits:
- Various connection profiles
- Trust and Authority – A good directory is person-checked and every submission is carefully considered
- Relevance – Many SEOs Expert that Google uses directories to categorize websites
- Referral traffic
- A quick way to generate links to complement time consuming blogging and content development activities
Types of Directory Submissions:-
Paid or Featured Web Listing:-With this type, the directory owner charges a submission fee and approve your connection after a while or within 24 hours. This will help you in getting backlinks from this type of submission. Some websites offer annual or lifetime packages for submission.
Free Web Listing:- Directories are free to post, none charge-free or regular submissions, but there is no guarantee that the site will be approved by an administrator. This also includes time.
Automatic Directory Submission:- As the name suggests, you can use software and tools to submit directories.
Reciprocal Regular Web Listing:- When you enable Links, a reciprocal link must be sent to your site. Only then will the directory administrator approve your link.